Description of Ganesha in
We find the description of Ganapati in many contexts
in the Vedas, undisputedly the most ancient literature.
Other deities such as Mitravarunas, Maruts, Indra -
Upendras etc., mentioned in the Vedas are seldom
mentioned in subsequent treatises such as the Puranas.
But Ganapati has been worshipped since time immemorial
till today.
"Ganaanaam tvaa ganapatim havaamahe....." is a
popular hymn found both in the Rigveda and the
Yajurveda. This mantra indicates that Ganapati is not
only the head of the Ganas, but also of the Brahmas. The
Ganapati Sooktas of Samaveda echo the same idea. In the
Atharvana Veda, there is a separate Upanishad dedicated
to Ganapati. It is called as Ganapati Atharva Sheersha
Upanishad. There are nine other Upanishads such as
Ganesha Poorva Taapini Upanishad, Uttara Taapini
Upanishad etc. Vallabheshopanishat and Herambhopanishat
are also available. In addition to these, there is
Ganesha Geeta containing eleven chapters.
Upanishads are parts of the Vedas that deliberate on
the Ultimate Truth. They elucidate the way of achieving
the Paratattwa through both Saguna and Nirguna methods.
Ganapati Atharva Sheersha Upanishad first narrates about
Nirguna form of worship and then about the Saguna form
of worship. While describing the Saguna form of worship,
the Upanishad has also revealed the significance of the
various aspects of the manifest form of Ganapati.
The Ganesha Upanishad has given us valuable mantras
like 'Ganesha Ekakshari Mantra', 'Saptakshari Mantra',
'Ganesha Gayatri' and has thereby provided guidance to
Tantra Shastras which have Upasana (intent practice of
worship) as their theme.By stating that Lord Ganapati
always resides in the Mooladhara Chakra, the Upanishad
has established a relation between Yoga Shastra and
Tantra Shastra.
Considering all these aspects, the Tantra Shastras
have said that the important Beejaksharas of Ganapati
are Gam and Gloum. 'Ga' is the symbol for the
fundamental principle of Ganapati. Lakara (the seed
letter Lam) is the Beejakshara of Mooladhara Chakra.
Omkara is the modified form of Pranava. Therefore it can
be said that the seed letter - Gloum, represents the
combination of Ganapati Tattwa, Mooladhara Yoga Tattva
and the Nirguna Pranava Tattva.
Based on the description available in the Vedas, the
later scriptures - the Puranas - have given us an
exhaustive description of the meditative form of
Ganapati and His legend.