Why should we pray
Lord Ganesha
Everyone has a doctorate, job, works, earns money,
begets children. But is anyone truly happy ? No. They are all
cycling on the ups and downs of life. In essence, they have
missed out on the true purpose of life. By holding back and
taking the ride of life, they have lost the true
Sometime we delve into maya and hope for things to happen, and
sometimes they do and sometimes they don't but this hope is
what holds us back from experiencing Her love. That's why I
call upon my Mother's child, Lord Ganesha, to help me
discriminate between the real and the unreal so that the mind
is never enveloped by maya.
All we need
is Him and He will decide what you
want. If you
have everything and Him, it is
fine. If you
have nothing besides Him, it is fine
too. If you have
everything but Him, it is useless.
with His ears acting as a winnowing basket, will give His true
devotees only what is needed for spiritual progress, and will
not give them what they ask for. With Him in my heart, what
else should I ask for ? Nothing. Will material pleasure ever
satisfy the mind ? Never.