
Slokas on Lord Ganesha


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| 32 Forms of Ganesha |


Slokas on Sri Ganesha

vakratu.nDa mahaakaaya koTisuuryasamaprabha |
nirvighnaM kuru me deva sarvakaaryeshhu sarvadaa ||

[Oh! Lord (Ganesha), of huge body and curved elephant trunk, whose brilliance is equal to billions of suns, always remove all obstacles from my endeavors.]

gajaananaM bhuutagaNaadisevitaM
kapitthajaMbuuphalasaarabhaxitam.h |
umaasutaM shokavinaashakaaraNaM
namaami vighneshvarapaadapaN^kajam.h ||

[Salutations to Lord Ganesha who has an elephant head, who is attended by the band of his followers, who eats his favorite wood-apple and rose-apple fruits, who is the son of Goddess Uma, who is the cause of destruction of all sorrow. And I salute his feet which are like lotus.]

shuklaambaradhara.n devaM
shashivarNa.n chaturbhujam.h |
prasannavadana.n dhyaayet.h
sarvavighnopashaantaye ||

[In order to remove all obstacles, one should meditate on (the God Ganesha) as wearing a white garment, as having the complexion like the moon, and having four arms and a pleasant countenance.]

ekada.ntaM mahaakaaya.n
taptakaaJNchanasannibham.h |
laMbodaraM vishaalaaxaM
vande.ahaM gaNanaayakam.h ||

[I bow down to one tusked, huge-bodied, big-bellied, large-eyed Lord Ganesha whose complexion is like that of molten gold.]

Srikantho Mathulo Yasya Jananee Sarva Mangalaa | Janakaha Sankaro Devaha Tam Vande' Kunjaraananam ||

He for whom Lord Vishnu is the Uncle, Whose mother is the Universal auspicious one, Parvathi, Whose father is Lord Mahaa Deva, to Him the Omkaara Faced One, Sri Ganesha, I am doing the salutations.

Vakrathunda Mahaakaaya Sooryakoti Samaprabha,
Avighnam Kuru Me' Deva, Sarva Kaaryesu Sarvadhaa.

You, of the twisted trunk and the massive body, With the dazzle and light of millions of suns; Lead me on a path that has no obstacles nor hindrances Clearing the way in all that I do, ever, and always!

Prasanna Vinaayakam De'vam; Pe'rivana Pura Samsthitham |
Sarva Vigna Haram Nithyam; Vandhe' Sri Kunjaraananam ||

O' Lord Sri Prasanna Vinaayaga, who lives in His Temple in Pearland; The one who will remove all obstacles for all His devotees at all times; One who has the Omkara face of the elephant, I pray to Him